Driving Innovation
In our labs, imagination and craftsmanship go hand-in-hand. Here, our team is focuses on delivering the best solution at the best price for customers, applying lean principles to minimize waste while maximizing wear of critical components. This requires deep expertise in alloys and processes, including the application of lasers, powder formulations, and understanding field applications.
Our Metallurgical Lab Capabilities include:

Tensile/Compression Testing – We routinely perform tensile or compression testing to directly evaluate material strength and ductility. Primarily used for tension testing, Apollo’s universal testing machine (UTM) has the ability to apply 60,000 lbf (~267,000 N) loads to evaluate cylindrical or rectangular cross section samples with a typical 0.5-inch diameter reduced section. We also use tensile testing to demonstrate the high quality, full metallurgical bonding of our coatings.
Charpy Impact Testing – We own and operate a Charpy Impact (or Charpy V-Notch) testing machine to evaluate the impact performance of a material through the high-impact strain rate loading conditions of a Charpy test. The machine can generate 300 ft•lbs (407J) of force, and with a sample cooling bath, tests can be performed at temperatures down to liquid nitrogen temperatures (-196°C/321F).

Fatigue Testing – To provide full scale testing of the fatigue performance of our products, Apollo designed, built and commissioned the world’s first large scale rotating bending fatigue tester.
Residual Stress Testing – We have the ability to measure near surface residual stresses using the Hole-Drilling Strain Gauge Method.

Sample Imaging
Stereomicroscopy – Stereomicroscopy is a variation of optical microscopy specific for low level magnification in the range of 5X. At Apollo, stereomicroscopy is routinely used to evaluate the quality of the surfaces of our coatings.
Optical Microscopy – For high magnification imaging, Apollo is equipped with an optical microscope capable of 1000X magnification.
Hardness Testing
We offer two types of hardness testing: macro indentation with Rockwell hardness testing and Vickers microhardness testing. Rockwell hardness testing is the industry standard for measuring representative bulk hardness. Microhardness testing is an essential tool for measuring hardness of individual, microscopic aspects of a material microstructure such as individual grains or reinforcing particles.